So I decided to try out for Survivor! I just sent in my application and video today. I know there is a slim to none chance that I will actually be selected as one of the 16 contestants, but I can always hope. I figure that I have an OK chance. First of all, they have never had a stay-at-home Mom on the show before. And I have a pretty cool name. At least I think so. But you never know what they're looking for. I'll just have to wait and see. And I know some of you are thinking, "Would she really leave her little girl and not see her for 7 weeks just to be on survivor?" And the answer is yes! Hello, this is Survivor we're talking about and 1 million dollars. It would be rough, but I'm willing to sacrifice, and I already have a neighbor that said she would watch Roxy during the day and Matt would have her at night. I'm all set. But who am I kidding, I'm sure I won't get picked, but it's always nice to dream.
4 years ago
I've tried out 10 times, that includes this time... you'll probably get on just because of my bad luck!
That would be so cool if you got on. You would totally dominate too.
You would be good at survivor, I just know it. I hope for John's sake you just make it. Ha Ha!
Q... you would do awesome! I hope they pick you!!! Who do I have to email or bribe to get you on that show!!! Your family is soooo cute!!! Come visit us
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