On March 5, 2011 our sweet little baby boy was born at 12:19pm. He weighed 9lb 10oz and measured 21.5 inches long. Nice big boy with lots of dark hair. We named him Ozzie Dean Leonhardt and love him to pieces!!!

Proud Daddy!

Proud Mommy!

Our cute little boy!

Or should I say big boy!

What would our hospital stay be like without our baby going to the NICU? Who knows?
Ozzie had a little fluid in his lungs and was breathing a little quickly so he had to stay in the NICU the first night just to be monitored until his body figured it out. No worries though, all was fine and we got to have him the second day in the hospital.

Poor guy

Our first family photo!!

Roxy loves holding her baby brother

Our THREE beautiful kids!

Heading home!!!

First Car ride

We love our little Ozzie and are so happy to have him as a part of our growing family!! :)
There must be something about having big baby's on March 5. Belinda was 9lb. 11oz. and was 20.5 in. with tons of black hair. What a funny coincidence, huh? Ozzie sure is a cutie. I LOVE all that hair and chunk. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
What a cutie! I can't get enough of all that hair! Congrats!
What is it with your kids and all that hair!!! LOVE it! Congrats to your family, Q! Can't wait to meet him :)
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