Monday, April 21, 2008


I got in trouble with my Mom last week because she found out 3 weeks late that Roxy was crawling. I could have sworn that I told her, but then again I might not have. Ever since I had Roxy, I forget things a lot more than I used to. I'm going insane! And that's only with 1 child. I can't imagine what it will be like with more.
Anyway, so here's a catch up of all the things Roxy's been doing lately. Obviously she crawls. She can also pull herself up anything, the couch, the crib, the wall, whatever. And she just started cruising last week, which is walking along the couch while holding herself up. She now has two little bottom teeth. I think they both came in at the same time.They are so cute. She likes to watch "Between the Lions" that's on right before Sesame Street. I don't know what it is, but those lions just crack her up. This week she tried green beans for the first time and just snarfed them. She'll eat anything. No wonder she's a chunk. We just love all her little rolls. They're adorable. As of wednesday, she is 8 months old and is as cute as ever. I still love being a Mom and Matt loves being a Dad. Life's pretty good.

Her 2 little teeth.
Getting ready for a bath.
After bath.


RyanandHailee said...

She is absolutely adorable! She is such a chunk!! how much does she weigh? I just want to squeeze her! That is so fun that she is doing all that!. I wish that carter would have crawled. He totally skipped that part!

Johnny Metropolis said...

Mmmmm... green beans! I got a good feeling about this kid.

Jeff, Erin, Macy, Owen& June said...

She is getting so old! I am impressed she is crawling already! Life as you know soon will be over! Prepare yourself!!

Natalie said...

Q!!! Your little girl is so cute. I love her big eyes! I know what you mean about going insane. Thanks for commenting on my blog. It was great to hear from you!

~Natalie~ said...

She's getting big and still cute as ever! She's darling! It was good to see you on Saturday with all the crazy ladies. :)

Heather said...

We love "Between the Lions", granted my kids are 4 and 2. Before you know it you will be doing the BIG GIRL BED, sippy cups, potty training, and the likes. Enjoy the time know when all she does is sit/crawl and be adorable.

Cameron's Corner said...

My kids never got into Between the Lions... and I don't blame them. I think it blows. Especially compared to Curious George and Word Girl. I don't know what it is, but I laugh out loud when I watch Word Girl.

Cameron's Corner said...

Thanks for the props, yo. John just gave me the 411 on Bri's blog. Good lookin' out.

Anonymous said...

She's sweet, you guys are really lucky.