Thursday, February 14, 2008

Tagged on V-day!!!

So I've been tagged to write all about my fabulous husband. The same fabulous husband that left me alone on Valentine's Day. I know, sad story. He is on a business trip in Minnesota and is spending an extra day there to go visit his family in Wisconsin. After our first wonderful Valentine's Day, (when we were still dating and he was trying hard to impress me) we've kind of had a bad track record for Valentine's Day. Ok, just this year and last year. Last year we went to dinner with four old men, long story. So hopefully next year we will hit it out of the park! In the end I still love him and know that he loves me. And I'm really glad that he gets to see his family this weekend. Anyway, here you go. . .

WHO DO I LOVE? Matthew Alan Leonhardt, my Superman!

WHO LONG DID YOU DATE? 10 months. We will have been married 4 years in June.

WHO SAID I LOVE YOU FIRST? Matt did, Of course. I wasn't about to say it first. What if he just said "oh" or "thanks?" I don't think I could handle that.

WHO IS TALLER? Matt by maybe one inch. But it all works out because I live in tenny's and flip flops so he is always taller than me. Except for when my sisiter dolls me up in some of her high heels, then we have a problem. At that point he's still taller than me because I'm laying on the ground after embarrassingly tripping on my own heel. Who wears those things. So not comfortable! And I'm all about "comfortable shoes!" (Inside joke for only a select few)

WHO CAN SING BETTER? Hands down ME. Not saying that I'm a fabulous singer, but Matt couldn't hold a tune if his life depended on it. OK, he's not that bad, but on his mission, he had one of his investigators ask him to move because he couldn't listen to him any longer. I don't really mind, and it's really cute when he busts out "My Maria" in the car. Love it.

WHO IS SMARTER? Hands down Matt. On a questionnaire, when asked to list your hobbies, he put "learning." No joke.

WHO DOES THE LAUNDRY? We both do. But we both hate it, so whoever runs out of clean underwear first gets to do it.

WHO PAYS THE BILLS? I do. I kinda get a high off of it. It's kind of hard to explain. I know I'm weird.

WHO SLEEPS ON THE RIGHTS SIDE OF THE BED? I do. Matt is on the side closer to the bathroom. He drinks so much water that he has to get up in the middle of the night once or twice to go pee. He's like a pregnant woman!

WHO MOWS THE LAWN? Matt does. I would, but in our quest to save money when we bought our house, we ended up buying an electric lawn mower. Yes, electric, so it has to be plugged into an outlet connected by a super long extension cord. It is such a hassle and so not worth the money we saved. I've never used it once. The only way I mow the lawn is if I borrow a gas powered one from a neighbor.

WHO COOKS DINNER? When dinner is actually cooked which is not very often at all, I do it about 75% of the time. I know I really should make dinner more often, but Matt is really healthy picky sometimes and would rather eat a mixture of yogurt, protien, tuna, peanut butter, and cottage cheese. Yes, all mixed together in the same bowl. Disgusting! When we were first married I was nice and would try these concoctions, but have learned to just say no. Always the best method.

WHO DRIVES? Matt does. We both like to drive fairly fast and I'd rather have him get a ticket than me.

And there you have it.
I hope you all had a fabulous Valentine's Day!
I love you Matt and always will!!!

P.S. I'll add some nice pics later when I get home from my mom's house. I had to have someone keep me company this weekend. Oh and I tag Janet, Shawn, and Hailee. Good luck!


Tati said...

I thought you had been married longer than 4 months. Or did you mean 4 years?

Quela said...

Oh my bad, four years. I'll change it. Thanks for letting me know.

Tati said...

Thanks for the comment. Ya, I got married 3 years ago, so I guess just 1 year after you! Do you know my husband? He says he knows you.

When does your hubby get back? Your baby is DARLING by the way!

Kate said...

Q! I had to respond to you and your comfortable shoes -- I never knew that about you! :-)

TC Jolley said...

Haha! I can't believe an investigator asked him to move because of his singing!!! Love it!

TC Jolley said...

Q... I love the picture of your hubby a.k.a. superman! Sounds like you met the perfect guy for you :) Happy V-day. said...

Does Matt know you have comfortable shoes? You may need to tell him. HE HE!!!